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Showing posts from February, 2011

[Buzz Korea] Indonesia Korea Week 2010 - The Most Excitiing Experience I've Ever had

Actually I wanted to share my experience about Korea Indonesia Week 2010 since yesterday, but because my assignments were pretty much i just write it now. Okay let's start reading! Enjoy... 안녕하세요! Waaa i feel really happy to attend the Korea Indonesia Week 2010 this year. There are lots of fun and exciting events for everyone. The events was organized by The Embassy of the Republic of Korea with the cooperation of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Ministry of culture and Tourism Indonesia for a week starting from October 11 to October 17, 2010 in several different places. Although i didn't attend the entire event, i got a lot of experiences! Curious? Haha now i want to tell my journey about this event. Ah! The Schedule of the events can be seen in a previous post. Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Indonesia Korea Friendship Sharing Concert 2010 Since the first day's location was to far from my dormitory, me and my friends -Weny, Dila, Ama- decided to come o...


LOMBA DAN PERFORMANCE MEMPEREBUTKAN PIALA WAMENDIKNAS 2011 17 MEI 2011 Pendaftaran stand dan performance melalui email : contact person : Maria - 085765002512 Rari - 085718310762 안녕 하세요! Friends, here is a new opportunity for you who interest to join competition related to Korea. Untuk kalian yang seneng nyanyi atau dance lagu-lagu korea, atau mungkin bagi yang udah lancar bahasa Korea dan juga yang seneng menulis, bisa mulai melatih keahlian kalian disini. Disini ada beberapa lomba yang bisa kalian ikuti, dan ga ketinggalan hadiah-hadiah menariknya. yukk, mari kita lihat apa aja lomba dan persyaratannya. PERSYARATAN LOMBA Lomba Pidato Bahasa Korea 2011 Tema - Kebudayaan - Pendidikan - Pariwisata Persyaratan Lomba Pidato Bahasa Korea - Peserta Mahasiswa umum aktif - WNI - Isi pidato tidak mengandung SARA - Durasi maksimal 10-15 menit - Peserta belum pernah pergi ke Korea sebelumnya - Naskah orisinil dan belum oernah dipublikasi dalam b...