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[Buzz Korea] Korean Food - Budaejjigae (부대찌개) Spicy Sausage Stew

Last month i and my friends went to a korean restaurant at Lotte Mall near my house. We planned to eat Budaejjigae or Spicy Sausage Stew. We know budaejjigae from Korean Veriety Show 'Running Man' and it makes us drooling while watching it. So, after watching it, i did a survey to the restaurant and the waitress told me that they sell budaejjigae.

Budaejjigae consist of several ingredients such as ramen (instant noodle), sausage, kimchi, beef, tofu, Tteok (rice cake) and other vegetables stewed with spicy gravy. It also served with Banchan or side dishes such as kimchi, cucumber, omelette, potato, bean sprout, salad and etc.

 Banchan (반찬) : Cucumber, salad, omelette
Banchan (반찬) : Kimchi, potato, bean sprout, tuber

Maybe because i can speak korean a little, we were served by the owner of the restaurant itself who really kind to us while explained the food *am i too confident? :p :p* and of course i'm happy to speak korean with her.

So while all the ingredients except ramyeon stewed, she explained to us the steps to cook this food. After all the ingredients was a bit cooked she put ramyeon into the stew and mixed it with other ingredients and after about 3 minutes budaejjigae was ready to serve! Then she shared it into our bowls. 감사합니다!

We finished eat it in an hour because it was a very large portion for us.

And once again, maybe because i can speak korean a little, they given us a plate of watermelon for free ahh my favorite fruit! Thank you so much 사장님!

잘 먹었습니다!


  1. Help me to LIKE this photo ^o^

    Thank you!

  2. Menggugah selera neh,, apalagi daging yg mirip kaya rendang itu,, jadi png jalan2 kesana..
    mksih buat pengetahuannya...
    salam wisata

    1. Halo! maaf kan baru balas comment nya yahh
      Iyaa silahkan dicoba! Tapi untuk muslim, jangan lupa di tanya dlu yahh ada pork nya atau engga ^_^

      Terima kasih sudah berkunjung!


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